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Counseling Department Home

Welcome to the MCHS Counseling Department! 

We are located in the Administration, or "A" Building. The Counseling Office is open from 7:45 am- 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday, and is closed on school holidays and for the month of July.  

School Counselor Caseloads

Students are assigned to a specific counselor based on the first letter of the student’s last name. The assignments may change slightly from year to year. Our goal is for students to remain with the same counselor for all four of their high school years, but this is not always possible.

Full-time counselors at MCHS currently work with caseloads of approximately 450 students. Please see the "Meet Your Counselor" section of the website to find more information about your assigned counselor.

Supporting and Empowering

School counselors are generalists who have a wide breadth of experience, training, and education.  They can address all aspects of the high school experience including academic, college/career, social and emotional. 

The counselor’s role at MCHS is to deliver services to students, parents, teachers, and administrators to promote maximum student success in the educational setting.  While the focus of the counseling relationship is upon the individual, counselors recognizes the need to consider the student as a member of the school, the home, and the community. 

Counseling Department Staff

Sonia Mojica - Counseling Secretary
Ann Janes- Registrar  707-890-3820


Counselor Availability

School counselors are on campus from 8:15 -4:00 pm and are usually available for drop in and scheduled appointments before school, during break and after school. We encourage students to meet with their counselor when class is not in session so that they don't miss out on valuable instruction time. Students can also fill out a green request to see counselor pass, which are located on the counter in the Counseling Office. Once the counselor receives this request, they will send a pass for the student during the school day to address any issues or concerns.

Chain of Communication

A photo that details the chain of communication