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Site Council

The School Site Council (SSC) is a required governing body at every school that monitors the Comprehensive Safety Plan, the Single Plan for Student Achievement, and a part of the school budget, referred to as the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). The MCHS SSC is a group of parents, students, teachers, administrators, and classified employees represented equally.  Meetings take place at school most months of the school year or as needed.

The composition of MCHS’s SSC is defined by State law and SCC bylaws. At the present time, the members are: the Principal, three parents, three students, four teachers, and one classified or other staff member.

Although, for the first time in a while, all positions on the SSC are filled, SSC meetings are public meetings and anyone is welcome to attend and participate in site council discussions. This year we will be focusing on reviewing the Single Plan for Student Achievement and the LCAP and revising it as necessary. In addition, we will be looking at school safety and teacher staff development.

SSC is a great opportunity for parents to be involved in influencing the direction of the school. We plan to meet on the first Monday of December, February, March, April and May. The December, February, and April meetings will take place at 3:30. The March and May meetings will be held in the evening at a time to be determined.

If you are interested in serving to better the school, please email the principal.