Senior FORMAL Portraits
Seniors must be photographed by Bella Photography to be included in the yearbook. Information for booking will be sent out by email in the first week of June. Once you receive an email, book your appointment ASAP. The 15-minute appointments have an $11 fee. All formal wear is provided.
Senior Casual information
2. Send .jpg format to with "SENIOR CASUAL" in the subject line.
Don't delay. Order your yearbook today! Click the image below.
Jenna Madsen:
Yearbook Instagram Account: @mchspublications
Senior Casuals
You may NOT:
Include any references inappropriate for a community publication (nothing vulgar, graphic or profane; no references to partying of any kind).
Include a quote in a foreign language, unless you provide the translation.
Include quotes, abbreviations or comments that are so cryptic or hard to decipher (like inside jokes), that they may be misinterpreted as inappropriate.
Quote friends, community members, etc. (in other words, any non-published material) without their permission.
Include unattributed quotations! Find the CORRECT source of your quotation.
Important Notice: Quotes that do not meet the requirements will be cut.